Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Cisco VPN 客户端在Macbook上不能连接的解决

症状:连接时候会被告之bind port(500)时候出错 unable to bind to port: (500).

1. 关闭 VPN Client.

2. 打开终端 (Terminal)到路径 /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/Profiles .

3. 编辑已有的pcf文件

4. 加入下面一行


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Macworld | Mac OS X Hints | Disable the 10.5 X11 warning-on-quit dialog

Macworld | Mac OS X Hints | Disable the 10.5 X11 warning-on-quit dialog: "If you run GIMP or other X11 programs, they’ll launch X11 for you automatically in the background. When you quit those programs, however, they don’t automatically quit X11. When you do go to quit X11 yourself, you’ll be greeted (in OS X 10.5) with a confirmation dialog, asking if this is really what you want to do. After answering yes the first half-dozen times, this gets really old. Thankfully, there’s a simple Terminal solution. Quit X11, open Terminal (in Applications -> Utilities), and enter this command:

defaults write org.x.x11 no_quit_alert true
After that, X11 will no longer pester you when send it a Command-Q, or for you menu lovers, select File -> Quit X11. If you’d like the old behavior back, just repeat the above command (when X11 isn’t running), but replace true with false."

(Via .)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

7 ways to raise money for your start-up » 16th letter » Blog Archive

7 ways to raise money for your start-up » 16th letter » Blog Archive: "‘And the whole idea we had was that having too little money is a great way of getting great product because it’s a way to get focused.’ - David Heinemeier Hansson, partner, 37signals"

1) Use your own money
2) Get a loan
3) Apply for grants
4)Put it on your credit card
5) Get consulting work or side jobs
6) Find angel investors
7) Take on venture capital

(Via .)

Monday, April 07, 2008

Stevey's Home Page - Choosing Languages 

Stevey's Home Page - Choosing Languages : "I think when you're deciding what language to use for 'real' work, you want to choose as follows:

1.Only consider popular languages. Veeeeeery important. Critical, even.

2.Pick the right language category for your problem. For systems up to a certain size, you probably want a good dynamic/scripting language, and beyond that point, use C++, Java or maybe C#.

3.Once you've decided the category, always use the highest-level language in the list. Use the one that's the most modern, expressive, and the least prone to errors when placed in the hands of busy/stressed programmers. If there's a tie, pick the one that's easiest to learn.

You shouldn't worry about language performance - that's a premature optimization. Remember that we're writing server-side software, and it doesn't need to run on our customers' desktops. Programmer time is very expensive, so pick a language that makes the best use of programmer time. Your profiler will take care of the rest.

You shouldn't worry about whether you or your team know the language or not. That's being short-sighted. You may see more progress initially, but over time, you're losing out on the gains they'd get from having switched to a more productive language environment."

(Via .)

The Top 9½ Books In a Hacker's Bookshelf | GrokCode

The Top 9½ Books In a Hacker's Bookshelf | GrokCode: "Home   -   About   -   Archives   -   Privacy Policy
« Sweet Hacks - Vol I
The Top 9½ In a Hacker’s Bookshelf

Every hacker should have a good solid dead tree library to draw ideas from and use as reference material. This list has a bit of everything - textbooks you will encounter at top tier computer science universities, books giving insight into the industry, and references you shouldn’t be caught without. It is a list of hackers’ classics.

The Mythical Man Month: Essays on Software Engineering - Anniversary Edition

by Fredrick P. Brooks

The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)

by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd Edition)

by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman

Code Complete 2: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction

by Steve McConnell

Introduction to Algorithms

by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John M. Vlissides

Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)

by Jon Bentley

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools

by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman

Unix Power Tools, Third Edition

by Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O’Reilly, and Mike Loukides

The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide: Five Complete Novels and One Story

by Douglas Adams

That’s it for my top 9½. What would you put in yours?

(Via .)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Cisco VPN 客户端在Macbook上不能连接的解决

症状:连接时候会被告之bind port(500)时候出错 unable to bind to port: (500).

1. 关闭 VPN Client.

2. 打开终端 (Terminal)到路径 /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/Profiles .

3. 编辑已有的pcf文件

4. 加入下面一行


Saturday, October 02, 2004

Gmail Giveaway Promotion at Spread Firefox - MozillaZine Talkback

Gmail Giveaway Promotion at Spread Firefox - MozillaZine Talkback: "Gmail Giveaway Promotion at Spread Firefox
Thursday September 23rd, 2004
Firefox Activist writes in: 'RobinMonks is running 'The Gmail Give Away' program these days, in cooperation with The idea is simple: to have those who help spread the word about Firefox rewarded with Gmail accounts. If you're running a web site that sports a Firefox button, logo or banner and would like to have a Gmail account just drop by The Gmail Give Away page and submit your web site. Over 2000 Gmail invites will be handed out to those who help spread the fire! Have your Firefox activism rewarded!'"

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Creating Web Pages for Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2.0

Creating Web Pages for Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer 2.0

First all you have to use valid HTML. Check the following link

HTML Tags Supported in Pocket Internet Explorer

Get my Gmail

I got a Gmail account from ebay today. But all the email account name
related to my name have been taken. Sigh~~~